Motivation and Goal Setting

Every runner, regardless of their level, needs to set goals in order to stay motivated and focused during their training. You are no different from anyone else. By taking little steps towards your final goal: running in the Freihofer’s Run For Women, you will find that you are ready and excited to toe the line.

– Motivation
How can you make sure you get out and do the training?

Have a plan!
It is very easy to blow off a work out if it is not something you commit to.  Here are some tricks to make sure you maintain this commitment:

  • Plan to meet and run with a friend – make it a specific time and place on a regular basis
  • If you prefer to run alone or on your own, add this to your daily planner IN WRITING and stick to it
  • Let others know your plan; you are less likely to back out of it
  • Reward yourself for sticking to your training schedule
  • Be flexible with your plan but try to keep it as regular as possible

– Goals
Know what you want to achieve.  For the first time runner, goals may differ greatly.

Keeping your vision simple and centered will keep you on track to the ultimate goal: running the race in June!

Short Term:
· Set completion goals not time goals – keep track of minutes, not miles

Long Term:
· Complete the race; either running or combining walking and running

  • Stick with the training program
  • Feel accomplished and successful